Work in progress

IOL Toch 281

Known as:IOL Toch 281; H 150.121
Cite this page as:Michaël Peyrot. "IOL Toch 281". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 10 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Michaël Peyrot
Date of online publication:2013-11


Main find spot:Unknown
Collection:British Library (London)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānastotra
Passage:18c-24a [shorter version] (= 24c-30a [longer version])
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine


Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:5


Images from by courtesy of the International Dunhuang Project and the British Library.


a1/// ·[r]· [y]· mts[i] ///
a2/// [a] ṣāṃ ai tsi : mā ///
a3/// ○ o kta tsai klyo – ///
a4/// ○ ntau na¯ ¯ts sa naṃ ///
a5/// – we pa k[s̝]aṃ y[s]o ///
b2/// – ·ka kñ· ta¯ ¯[r]ñ ///
b3/// ○ lmeṃ nau mye nta ///
b4/// ○ kā mai ā ksau [t]· ///
b5/// – lñe ṣṣe ṣa¯ ¯r – ///
b6/// ·ä po yś·a n[a] ///


Xx/// ; (āst)r(eṃ) y(ā)mtsi
Xx/// a2n2 /// ; aṣāṃ aitsi :
Xxmā(rgavārgṣe) /// a3n3 /// oktatsai ; klyo(mñai) /// a4n4 /// (kre)ntaunats sanaṃ /// a5n5 /// (mrestī)we ; pakṣäṃ yso(mo)
Xx/// b2n6 /// ; (akāl)k{†ä} kñ(i)tär-ñ
Xx/// b3n7 /// (śpā)lmeṃ naumyenta ; /// b4n8 /// (pai)kāmai ; āksau t(ākoy)
b5n9 /// – lñeṣṣe ṣar – ///
b6n10 /// ·ä poyś(ñ)ana ///



*Lines a6 and b1 are lost. This fragment can hardly be from the same manuscript as IOL Toch 307: the hands are clearly different, and, while IOL Toch 307 consists of sheats of paper glued together, there are no indications that the same is true of this fragment. Nevertheless, it is striking that the line lengths are identical, both having 2 pādas per line. In addition, IOL Toch 307 ends with pāda 18a and this fragment begins with pāda 18c. However, a closer look shows that the leaf preceding this fragment must have contained at least also 18b, since only the end of 18c is preserved, directly after the string hole space (and thus quite far to the left, in any case well before the middle, of the original leaf). In view of the fact that IOL Toch 307 preserves only the beginning of 18b, it can be excluded that they are subsequent leaves of the same manuscript.
*Note that lines b2–6 are numbered b1–5 by Broomhead 1962: 175.

Philological commentary

n1cf. PK AS 4A a3 ṣamāññempa eraitwe ¦ cimpim palsko yātässi ¦ āstreṃ yāmtsi • [24c]
n2cf. PK AS 4A a3-4 paramārth pelaikne ¦ trai śaiṣentso tarnene ¦ aṣāṃ aitsi : [25a] mārgavārgṣe kauṃ śpālmeṃ ¦ paiykalyñesa stamoy sā ¦ walke ytārye : [25b]
n3cf. PK AS 4A a4-5 tek yäknesa śpālmeṃ ñiś ¦ yamim pākri oktatsai ¦ klyomñai ytāri : [25c] (= PK NS 27 a1 pāda 19c)
n4cf. PK AS 4A a5 satkāravārg paiykāmai ¦ po krentaunaṃts sa(naṃ ce)u ¦ lābhasatkār [26a] (= PK NS 27 a2 pāda 20a)
n5cf. PK AS 4A b1 tsirauwñeṣṣe kauṣn āya ¦ ompalskoṣṣe mrestīwe ¦ pakṣäṃ ysomo • [26c] (= PK NS 27 a2 pāda 20c)
n6cf. PK AS 4A b4 po krentaunaṃts śmoññai ce ¦ paiykalñesa smṛtivārg ¦ akālk kñītär-ñ : [28a] (= PK NS 27 a5 pāda 22a)
n7cf. PK AS 4A b4-5 krent āksalñe ṣek ā(ks)oym ¦ tarya śpāl(m)eṃ (n)aumyenta ¦ araṃśn= eṅku : [28c] (= PK NS 27 a6 pāda 22c)
n8cf. PK NS 27 b1 [b1] ¦ āksau tākoy-ñ : [23a] (= PK AS 4A b5 pāda 29a)
n9cf. perhaps PK NS 27 b1 /// ·ñ(eṣ)ṣ(e) ṣarm – /// [23c]. However, the traces of PK NS 27 may be syllables 10-12 of this pāda, i.e. syllables 3-5 of the second unit of 7 syllables, while we would for IOL Toch 281 rather expect approximately syllables 16-18.
n10cf. perhaps PK NS 27 b2 paikalñesa udakavārg ¦ po ekṣalyiṃ po(yśñana) /// [24a]. Again, the traces of IOL Toch 281 may have to be positioned rather towards the end of the pāda, which is not preserved in PK NS 27.


Online access

IDP: IOL Toch 281


Thomas 1954: 746


Peyrot 2007: №281; Broomhead 1962: 175


Schmidt 1974: a2 (365); Thomas 1954: a2 (746)


Broomhead 1962

Broomhead, J.W. 1962. “A textual edition of the British Hoernle, Stein and Weber Kuchean manuscripts. With transliteration, translation, grammatical commentary and vocabulary. I = Edition.” PhD, Cambridge: Trinity College.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Peyrot 2007

Peyrot, Michaël. 2007. “An edition of the Tocharian fragments IOL Toch 1 – IOL Toch 822 in the India Office Library.” International Dunhuang Project. 2007.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Thomas 1954

Thomas, Werner. 1954. “Die Infinitive im Tocharischen.” In Asiatica. Festschrift Friedrich Weller. Zum 65. Geburtstag, gewidmet von seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern, edited by Johannes Schubert and Ulrich Schneider, 701–64. Leipzig: Harrassowitz.