Work in progress

IOL Toch 263

Known as:IOL Toch 263; H 150.104; D.104
Cite this page as:Michaël Peyrot. "IOL Toch 263". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Michaël Peyrot


Main find spot:Unknown
Collection:British Library (London)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:kāśyapas (Broomhead)
Text genre:Literary


Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:6


Images from by courtesy of the International Dunhuang Project and the British Library.


a1/// – c· [n]t· – nai – ///
a2/// – sā wri tā te spe ltke – ///
a3/// mā te śi kṣā pā¯ ¯t mā – ///
a4/// kusa rsā snai ke śo ī ·e ///
a5/// – neṃ śtwa rkā ¯s̝ p[r]eṃ ///
a6/// – ·i ///
b1/// – ///
b2/// a lye ṅkaṃ [20] [7] ///
b3/// ktsya lpā te śe rweṃ ś· ///
b4/// ce leṃ ce¯ ¯u kā śya peṃ – ///
b5/// ceṃ yā ta ṣṣā te ṣu – ///
b6/// – s̝a¯ ¯p sa hā srā – ///


27xa1/// – nt(ä)nai – /// a2/// – sāw ritāte speltke – /// a3/// te śikṣāpāt – /// a4/// kusär snai keśo ī(t)e /// a5/// – neṃ śtwarkā preṃ /// a6/// – ·i /// b1/// – /// b2/// ; alyeṅkäṃ 20-7
b3/// …k tsyalpāte śerweṃś· ///
b4/// celeṃ ceu kāśyapeṃ – ///
b5/// ceṃ yātäṣṣāte ṣu – ///
b6/// – ṣäp sahāsrā – ///



According to Broomhead 1962: 133 "[w]ritten in medium ductus, and very clearly preserved, despite abrasion of some akṣaras. Remains of six lines visible." Cf. also Broomhead 1962: 310.

Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications

Peyrot 2008A1
Malzahn 2007aA4
Tamai 2011C14


Online access

IDP: IOL Toch 263


Peyrot 2007: №263; Broomhead 1962: 133-134, 310


Broomhead 1962

Broomhead, J.W. 1962. “A textual edition of the British Hoernle, Stein and Weber Kuchean manuscripts. With transliteration, translation, grammatical commentary and vocabulary. I = Edition.” PhD, Cambridge: Trinity College.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Malzahn 2007a

Malzahn, Melanie. 2007a. “The most archaic manuscripts of Tocharian B and the varieties of the Tocharian B language.” In Instrumenta Tocharica, edited by Melanie Malzahn, 255–97. Heidelberg: Winter.

Peyrot 2007

Peyrot, Michaël. 2007. “An edition of the Tocharian fragments IOL Toch 1 – IOL Toch 822 in the India Office Library.” International Dunhuang Project. 2007.

Peyrot 2008

Peyrot, Michaël. 2008. Variation and change in Tocharian B. Vol. 15. Leiden Studies in Indo-European. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Tamai 2011

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2011. Paläographische Untersuchungen zum B-Tocharischen. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 138. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen.