Work in progress

HWB 74(1)

Known as:HWB 74(1)
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "HWB 74(1)". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Main find spot:Duldur-akur

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:late

Text contents

Text genre:Non-literary
Text subgenre:Account


Preceding fragment:HWB 74(2)
Following fragment:HWB 74(3)
Material: ink on paper


(continues from HWB 74(2))

a1me ñe wa rsa ñe
a2po me¯ ¯ñä ka pyā re¯ ¯s śwa si ṣṣe lyka śke śā tre tā ka ca kaṃ nma śa¯ ¯kka¯ ¯s tau wä ṣu¯ ¯k
a3ysā re la¯ ¯ś ca kaṃ nma wi tau wä śwe¯ ¯r wä so ka¯ ¯ś ā ka la¯ ¯ś ca¯ ¯k pi¯ ¯ś to¯ ¯m
a4yo tko lau ñā na – [nd]re tse śwa si ṣṣe ysā re la¯ ¯ś tau wä ṣka¯ ¯s
a5su klyi ke mo ko tse me ñe lye kśi ye ca¯ ¯k
a6sa ṅka ste re a rya kā me tse ṣo tri ¤
a7ste re ñā na te we tse ṣṣo tri ¤
a8ste re ka lyā na ra kṣi te tse ṣo tri ¤
a9ste re ñā na se ne tse ṣo tri ¤

(continues on HWB 74(3))


(continues from HWB 74(2))

a1meñe warsañe
a2po meñ kapyāres śwasiṣṣe lykaśke śātre tāka cakaṃnma śak ṣkäs tauwä ṣuk
a3ysāre laś cakaṃnma wi tauwä śwer wäsokäś āka laś cak piś tom
a4yotkolau ñāna(caṃ)ndretse śwasiṣṣe ysāre laś tauwä ṣkas
a5suklyike mokotse meñe lyekśiye cak
a6saṅkastere aryakāmetse ṣotri ¤
a7stere ñānatewetse ṣṣotri ¤
a8stere kalyānarakṣitetse ṣotri ¤
a9stere ñānasenetse ṣotri ¤

(continues on HWB 74(3))


(continues from HWB 74(2))

a1Eleventh month.
a2For the whole month, fine grain for consumption of the kapyāri was: six piculs, seven pecks.
a3Wheat was spent: two piculs, four pecks. āka-millet was spent for wäsok: a picul, five pecks.
a4Wheat for consumption of director Jñānacaṃndre was spent: six pecks.
a5The month of Suklyike the Moko: lyekśiye-millet: a picul.
a6Signature of the Saṅkastere Aryakāme ¤
a7Signature of the Stere Jñānatewe ¤
a8Signature of the Stere Kalyānarakṣite ¤
a9Signature of the Stere Jñānasene ¤

(continues on HWB 74(3))


Philological commentary

n1sic! instead of śak ṣkas.
n2For wäsokäś, Ogihara 2014 suggests that Tocharian A wsokäṃ in THT 1519, plural of a putative *wsok, is related. It might plausibly be a kind of grain product. Ching 2017: 169 argues that *wäsok could denote a a usage of grain, a kind of dish or activity, rejecting the explanation of this word as some sort of alcoholic beverage (like in Adams 2013a: 650-651 and Schmidt 2002: 7-8).
n3This line is written much smaller than the others and offset to the right. It was probably added in later.



Adams 2013a: 650-651; Ching 2010: 309-310; Ching 2017: 100-101; 169; Ogihara 2014; Ching and Rong 2013; Huang 1958; Schmidt 2002: 7-8


Adams 2013a

Adams, Douglas Q. 2013a. A dictionary of Tocharian B. Revised and greatly enlarged. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Ching 2010

Ching, Chao-jung. 2010. “Secular documents in Tocharian: Buddhist economy and society in the Kucha region.” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Ching 2017

Ching, Chao-jung. 2017. 吐火罗语世俗文献与古代龟兹历史 – Tocharian secular texts and the history of Ancient Kucha. Beijing: Peking University Press.

Ching and Rong 2013

Ching, Chao-jung, and Xinjiang Rong. 2013. “略論黃文弼所發現之四件龜茲語世俗文書 – On the four Kuchean secular documents found by Huang Wenbi.” In 黃文弼所獲西 域文獻論集 – Collected papers on the documents discovered by Huang Wenbi in the Western Regions, 290–312. Beijing: Science Press.

Huang 1958

Huang, Wenbi. 1958. Talimu Pendi kaogu ji [Archaeological report on the Tarim Basin]. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

Ogihara 2014

Ogihara, Hirotoshi. 2014. “Fragments of secular documents in Tocharian A.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 15: 103–29.

Schmidt 2002

Schmidt, Klaus T. 2002. “Beobachtungen zur tocharischen Landwirtschaftsterminologie.” Die Sprache 41 + 1999: 1–23.