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A 56

Known as:A 56; THT 689
Cite this page as:Gerd Carling (text); Fanny Meunier (translation commentary); Melanie Malzahn (translation commentary); Michaël Peyrot (translation commentary). "A 56". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-a56 (accessed 27 Jul. 2024).


Editor:Gerd Carling (text); Fanny Meunier (translation commentary); Melanie Malzahn (translation commentary); Michaël Peyrot (translation commentary)
Date of online publication:2014-05-28


Main find spot:Shorchuk
Specific find spot:Stadthöhle
Expedition code:T III Š 85.2
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script


Text contents

Title of the work:Mūghapakkha-Jātaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Jātaka/Avadāna
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:M12; M18


Manuscript:A 55-88
Preceding fragment:A 71
Following fragment:A 73
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:6



(continues from A 71)

a1/// lyāṃ tka na¯ ¯cä yä lci kuya lte || me ne kli naṃ || cä mpa mo tra ṅktsi y[m]e
a2/// [l]ā ñci naṃ wa tku pā ca rṣi naṃ po tlu ne : a ppra mā tya tā¯ ¯r yä lci
a3/// ·[o] dhi sa tvā pmā ca rlā¯ ¯ts wlā ññä kte swā jä rro ki kra ntso nāṃ ka pśi
a4/// [s]· pa lko ra¯ ¯s̝ hā kā ru ṇi¯ ¯k tra ṅktsi pa knā smāṃ tri¯ ¯k tka nā
a5/// l· tke o ki bra hma da tte slā¯ ¯nt pe syä kso ra¯ ¯s̝ traka¯ ¯s̝ || vi
a6/// [o] – [c]pa klā rñä kta śśi se ā kā lyo ta lke yntu śa śmā¯ ¯s̝t a
b1/// kupre ·e ṣa kka tsra ryu ci pka nā ñyā kā¯ ¯l ca ṇḍā lā ñnu¯ ¯k ne ṣkā we¯
b2/// ṣlā¯ ¯ts sne tu¯ ¯ṅk nāṃ tsu¯ ¯s ka ka rku¯ ¯nt se po ntsāṃ ka pśi ñño
b3/// ·m·¯ ¯l mā ryu pra ṣtaṃ kā re yo kā ko ṣtu nka ta¯ ¯r : s̝a pna saṃ me nā¯
b4/// kā tse ke nna tsśā waṃ ā kā lntwā ka kmu ṣe twa saṃ ā ri¯ ¯ñcä kā tka ssi :
b5/// tveṃ ka śtā lu ne yo mā cri klo pyo pe nu sne klo ppo ki sne we ñlu ne
b6/// śla tu¯ ¯ṅk o ki tseṃ yo kā¯ ¯s a śä nyo ri na swra ssa cpa l[k]o ra s̝[pa]

(continues on A 73)


(continues from A 71)

a1n1n2 /// (māski) (kälkā)lyāṃ tkanac yäl ci kuyaltemeneklinaṃ
1acämpamo träṅktsi ; yme a2
1b12σ ///
1clāñcinäṃ watku ; pācarṣinäṃ ; potlune :
1dapprämāt yatār ; yäl-ci a3n3
/// (b)odhisatvāp mācar lāts wlāññäktes wājärr oki kräntsonāṃ kapśi-
a4-(ñño)n3n4 /// s(e) pälkoräṣ kāruṇik träṅktsi päknāsmāṃ trik tkanā
a5n5 (klā) /// l(e)tke oki brahmadattes lānt pes yäksoräṣ träṅkäṣvi-
1a18σ ///
1bo(pyā)c päklār ; ñäktaśśi ; se-ākālyo ; talkeyntu ; śaśmāṣt ab1(ryu)n6
1c18σ ///
1dkupre (n)e ṣakkats ; raryu-ci ; pkanā-ñy ākāl ; caṇḍālāñ ; nuk neṣ kāweb2(ñc)n7
/// (tmä)ṣ lāts sne tuṅk nāṃtsus kakärkunt se pontsāṃ kapśiñño
b3n8n9 /// (ak)m(a)l =ryu praṣtaṃ kāreyo kākoṣtu nkatär : ṣäpnasaṃ menā-
b4-(k)n9 /// kātse kenn ats śāwaṃ ākālntwā kakmu ṣet wasäṃ āriñc kātkässi :
b5/// (bodhisa)tveṃ kaś tāluneyo mācri klopyo penu sne klopp oki sne weñlune
b6/// śla tuṅk oki tseṃ-yokās aśänyo rinäs wrassac pälkoräṣ pä-

(continues on A 73)


(continues from A 71)

a1... (and say to him (?):) «To a (hard-)to-reach place you must go, because: || In the [tune] meneklinaṃ || You are able to speak, ... the way ...
a2... The royal command [and] the respect for [your] father you treat with contempt. You must go
a3(to your death (?) for this.)» ... When the mother of the Bodhisattva, the queen, saw [her] son (with) [his] beautiful body like Indra’s thunderbolt ...
a4..., she, intending to say «O merciful one!», fainted [and] (fell) to the ground.
a5... (Having come round again (?)), embracing the feet of king Brahmadatta like a liana, she says: || In the [tune] vi(śikkonaṃ ||)
a6«... Remember! Because of desire for a son you have made offerings to the gods for a long time.
b1... If he is really abandoned by you, fulfill my wish [that] the Caṇḍālas will kill me first.
b2(1.)» ... Thereupon the queen, finding no favour [lit. being without affection], (says, clasping (?)) [her] fettered son with [her] whole body
b3... : « ... face ... will perish before long, killed by the sword. In dreams the comparison
b4... close. Completely in vain did you come in response to [our] great wishes to please our hearts.
b5... because of [his] Bodhisattva-like consideration, as if without suffering in spite of [lit. even by] [his] mother’s suffering, he (remained) without speaking.
b6... [But] looking affectionately, as it were, with [his] blue-coloured eyes at the people of the city, he thinks:

(continues on A 73)


a2Den königlichen Befehl, das väterliche Wohlwollen verspottest du. (Schmidt 1974: 463)
a4+... (Wie sie den von den Caṇḍālas weggeführten Sohn(?)) sah, wurde sie, als sie. "O Mitleidiger!" sagen wollte, ohnmächtig [und] (fiel) zur Erde. (Schmidt 1974: 124)
a6Erinnere dich: Den Göttern hast du im Verlangen nach einem Sohn (lange) Opfer dargebracht. (Schmidt 1974: 375)
b1If he is really given up by you, fulfil my wish [that] the caṇḍālas will first kill me. (cf 19) (Peyrot 2013b: 224)
b3… human birth … before long he will perish, killed by the sword. (cf 19) (Peyrot 2013b: 224)



Transcription and references have been transferred from the "Text and Reference Database of the Tocharian A Language" (Gerd Carling Lund University) (funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and SCAS).
Transcription and translation are based on Carling et al. 2009.
This text immediately continues from A 71 and continues on A 73.

Philological commentary

The translation is largely based on Sieg 1952: 18-19, and Carling et al. 2009.
n1meneklinaṃ: This tune has 4x12 syllables, rhythm 5/7.
n2Sieg's restoration cämpamo träṅktsi y(n)e(ś naṣt) '[Obwohl] (du) augenscheinlich imstande (bist) zu sprechen' (Sieg 1952: 18) is not possible: the reading y(n)e is excluded.
n3(b)odhisatvāp mācar lāts 'the mother of the Bodhisattva, the queen' is probably the subject of the abs. pälkoräṣ 'having seen'. This would mean that wlāññäktes wājärr oki kräntsonāṃ kapśi(ñño) and another ca. 18 syllables all belong to the object of pälkoräṣ, which probably ends with s(e) 'son'. Sieg 1952: 19 fills in the end of this lacuna as "(Wie sie den von den Caṇḍālas weggeführten Sohn (?)) sah". Indeed, it is likely that the queen sees her son in need, but the precise restoration remains uncertain.
n4The line originally began with the last 5 syllables of the strophe. The following is again in prose.
n5vi(śikkonaṃ): This tune has 4x18 syllables, rhythm 7/7/4.
n6nuk: A writing error for ñuk.
n7In the preceding lacuna the king has probably refused her request.
n8(ak)m(a)l: So to be read against Sieg 1952: 19, who restores (oñi c)m(o)l 'human birth'; both c and o are excluded.
n9According to Sieg 1952: 19, these lines contain a strophe with a metre of 4x15 syllables. This is impossible because in b4 we have 19 syllables without punctuation (which Sieg expects after kenn ats) and because the caesurae are wrong (both ṣäpnasaṃ menā(k) and śāwaṃ ākālntwā kakmu should rather have been 4 + 3, see Bross et al. 2015). We should also note that Sieg's metrical analysis does not square with his translation.


Online access

IDP: THT 689; TITUS: THT 689


Sieg and Siegling 1921: 32; Sieg and Siegling 1921 p. 32


Carling 2000: a1 (53, 84), b3 (288), b4 (353); Carling et al. 2009: b4 (159a); Knoll 1996: a1 (42, 47), a2 (40); Kölver 1965: a1 (78), a6 (25), b3 (20, 122); Meunier 2013: a2 (160), a6 b1 (176); Peyrot 2013b: b1 (224), b3 (224); Schmidt 1974: a2 (463), a4 (124), a4 a5 (124), a6 (375); Sieg 1952: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 (18-19); Thomas 1952: a1 (19); Thomas 1954: a1 (738), b4 (714); Thomas 1957: a6 (207), b1 (273), b4 (301); Thomas 1969: a1 (258), a3 (237), a4 (257); Thomas 1981: a2 (487); Thomas 1983: a1 (26)


Bross et al. 2015

Bross, Christoph, Dieter Gunkel, and Kevin M. Ryan. 2015. “The colometry of Tocharian 4x15-syllable verse.” In Tocharian texts in context. International conference on Tocharian manuscripts and Silk Road culture held June 26–28, 2013 in Vienna, edited by Melanie Malzahn, Michaël Peyrot, Hannes A. Fellner, and Theresa-Susanna Illés, 15–27. Bremen: Hempen. http://www.hempen-verlag.de/tocharian-texts-in-contexts.html.

Carling 2000

Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Carling et al. 2009

Carling, Gerd, Georges-Jean Pinault, and Werner Winter. 2009. A dictionary and thesaurus of Tocharian A. Volume 1: Letters a-j. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d. http://idp.bl.uk.

Knoll 1996

Knoll, Gabriele. 1996. “Die Verwendungsweisen der Adjektive im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Frankfurt am Main.

Kölver 1965

Kölver, Bernhard. 1965. “Der Gebrauch der sekundären Kasus im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Frankfurt am Main.

Meunier 2013

Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Sieg 1952

Sieg, Emil. 1952. Übersetzungen aus dem Tocharischen II, aus dem Nachlass hg. v. Werner Thomas. Abhandl. d. Deutschen Akad. d. Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Kl. f. Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst 1. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.

Sieg and Siegling 1921

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.

Sieg and Siegling 1921

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Personal annotated copy of Wilhelm Siegling. Scanned by Douglas Q. Adams with the technical assistance of Michael Tarabulski and Kevin Dobbins. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.

Thomas 1952

Thomas, Werner. 1952. Die tocharischen Verbaladjektive auf -l. Deutsche Akad. der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut für Orientforschung 9. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.

Thomas 1954

Thomas, Werner. 1954. “Die Infinitive im Tocharischen.” In Asiatica. Festschrift Friedrich Weller. Zum 65. Geburtstag, gewidmet von seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern, edited by Johannes Schubert and Ulrich Schneider, 701–64. Leipzig: Harrassowitz.

Thomas 1957

Thomas, Werner. 1957. Der Gebrauch der Vergangenheitstempora im Tocharischen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Thomas 1969

Thomas, Werner. 1969. “Bemerkungen zum Gebrauch von toch. A ptāñkät [B pañäkte, pudñäkte], A koṃ [B kauṃ]: A koṃñkät [B kauṃñäkte] usw.” Orbis 18: 235–68.

Thomas 1981

Thomas, Werner. 1981. “Indogermanisches in der Syntax des Tocharischen: Zum Ausdruck eines Gebotes und Verbotes.” In Festschrift der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 481–97.

Thomas 1983

Thomas, Werner. 1983. Der tocharische Obliquus im Sinne eines Akkusativs der Richtung. Abhandlungen d. Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse 6. Mainz: Verlag d. Akad. d. Wissenschaften und d. Literatur.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.” http://titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/tocharic/thtframe.htm.