The 32 marks of the Buddha
Remark in Ji et al. 1998: 86 ad note 26 about the 32 marks of the Buddha
The 32 marks (lakṣaṇa) of the Great Man (mahāpuruṣa) appearing in YQ II.4 b4 through YQ II.5 a5 are the equivalents of the following Sanskrit expressions, quoted from the Mahāvyutpatti (Mvy), and with the numbering in the Mahāprajñāparamitāśāstra (Mppś), the order of which is the closest to the Tocharian list. The numbering in the corresponding Uighur text is given in brackets after the Tocharian number.
For a partly different list, according to a divergent order, see in the same chapter YQ II.10 a7 through b4, in a metrical passage.
YQ II.4 b4 – YQ II.5 a5 | mark | Uighur | Sanskrit | Mahāvyutpatti | Mahāprajñāparamitāśāstra |
1. | (The soles of his feet) flat all around (like the front side) of a mirror | (1) | supratiṣṭhitapādatalaḥ | Mvy 265(30) | Mppś. no. 1 |
2. | (the mark of a wheel) on the palms of his hands and the underside of his feet | (2) | cakrāṅkitahastapādatalaḥ | Mvy 264(29) | Mppś. no. 2 |
3. | his fingers slender and elongated like the flame of a lamp | (3) | dīrghāṅguliḥ | Mvy 263(28) | Mppś. no. 3. |
4. | his heels slender | (4) | āyatapādapārṣṇiḥ | Mvy 266(31) | Mppś. no. 4 |
5. | the palms of his hands and the underside of his feet soft like silk | (5) | mṛdutaruṇahastapādatalaḥ | Mvy 261(26) | Mppś. no. 6. |
6. | webs between the fingers of his hands | (31) | jālāvanaddhahastapādaḥ | Mvy 262(27) | Mppś. no. 5. |
7. | tall and straight his instep | (6) | utsaṅgapādaḥ | Mvy 260(32) | Mppś. no. 7. |
8. | like those of the aiṇeya-king-of-wild-animals (his calves) | (7) | aiṇeyajaṅghaḥ | Mvy 267(32) | Mppś. no. 8 |
9. | ([the ability] to touch with unbent body his knee-caps with both palms | (8) | sthitānavanatapralambabāhutā | Mvy 253(18) | Mppś. no. 9. |
10. | his pudendum under cover like that of the ājāneya elephant | (9) | kośagatavastiguhyaḥ | Mvy 158(23) | Mppś. no. 10. |
11. | (like a) banyan (tree, of equal proportions, with his height equal to its arm span and vice-versa) | (10) | nyagrodhaparimaṇḍalaḥ | Mvy 255(20) | Mppś no. 11, with addition of Mppś no. 15. |
12. | with body-hair standing upright | (11) | ūrdhvāgraromaḥ | Mvy 257(22) | Mppś. no. 12. |
13. | (a lock of) individual (hairs) turned toward the right | (12) | ekaikaromapradakṣiṇāvartaḥ | Mvy 256(21) | Mppś. no. 13. |
14. | --- | (13) | [sūkṣma-]suvarṇa-cchaviḥ | Mvy 252(17) | Mppś. no. 14. |
15. | (exceedingly) fine his skin | (14) | sūkṣma-[suvarṇa-]cchaviḥ | Mvy 252(17) | Mppś. no. 16. |
16. | seven prominent [places] | (15) | saptotsadaḥ | Mvy 250 (15) | Mppś. no. 17. |
17. | sculptured as it were between his shoulders | (16) | citāntarāṃsaḥ | Mvy 251(16) | Mppś. no. 18. |
18. | the upper part of his body ... | (17) | siṃhapūrvārdhakāyaḥ | Mvy 254(19) | Mppś. no. 19. |
19. | large and straight his body | (18) | --- | --- | Mppś no. 20.
+(bṛhadṛjukāyaḥ) |
20. | with well-shaped shoulders | (19) | susaṃvṛttaskandhaḥ | Mvy 149(14) | Mppś. no. 21. |
21. | forty teeth | (20) | catvāriṃśaddantaḥ | Mvy 241(6) | Mppś. no. 22. |
22. | --- | (21) | (21) | aviraladantaḥ | Mvy 243(8) |
23. | /// | (22) | samadantaḥ | Mvy 242(7) | --- |
24. | very white his canines | (23) | suśukladantaḥ | Mvy 244(9) | Mppś. no. 24. |
25. | lion-jaws | (24) | siṃhahanuḥ | Mvy 256(11) | Mppś. no. 25. |
26. | (having obtained the distinction) of all kinds of tastes | (25) | rasarasāgratā | Mvy 245(10) | Mppś. no. 26. |
27. | --- | (26) | prabhūtatanujihvaḥ | Mvy 247(12) | Mppś. no. 27. |
28. | /// a voice like that of (Brahmā) | (27) | brahmasvaraḥ | Mvy 248(13) | Mppś. no. 28. |
29. | bue eyes | (28) | abhinīlanetra-[gopakṣmā] | Mvy 240(5) | Mppś. no. 29. |
30. | eyelashes like those of a [yak] bull | (29) | --- | Mvy 240(5) | Mppś no. 30
+(gopakṣmanetraḥ). |
31. | (on his head an uṣṇīṣa) | (30) | uṣṇīṣaśiraskatā | Mvy 236(1) | Mppś. no. 31. |
32. | (a white tuft of hair) between (his eyebrows) | (32) | ūrṇākeśaḥ | Mvy 239(4) | Mppś no. 32 (ūrṇā). |