Cite this page as: | "ñwona". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?F_B_ñwona (accessed 10 Feb. 2025). |
Meaning: | “(adj.) new”; “(n.) day of the New Moon, novice” |
Word class: | adjective |
Language: | TB |
Equivalent in TA: | ñu |
Lexeme variants: | ñwona |
Number: | plural |
Case: | nominative; accusative |
Gender: | feminine |
Inflection class: | |
Nom. sg. (masc.): | -e |
Obl. sg. (masc.): | -eṃ |
sg.m | sg.f | pl.m | pl.f | du.m | du.f | |
nom | ñuwe | ñwona | ||||
voc | ||||||
acc | ñuweṃ | ñuwai | ñwona | |||
gen | ||||||
loc | ñuweṃne | |||||
comit | ||||||
inst | ||||||
abl | ||||||
perl | ||||||
all | ||||||
caus |
Lexeme family
- ñuwe “(adj.) new”
“(n.) day of the New Moon, novice”
sg.m sg.f pl.f nom ñuwe ñwona acc ñuweṃ ñuwai ñwona loc ñuweṃne - ñwenakke Name in administrative and monastic records
sg nom ñwenakke - ñwetstse “new, novice”
sg.m pl.m nom ñwetstse acc ñwecce gen ñwecceṃts - ñwetstsäññe “youth (?)”
“novelty (?)”
sg nom ñwetstsäññe acc ñwetstsäññe - ñwetstsäññeṣṣe “new, youthful (?)”
sg.m nom ñwetstsäññeṣṣe acc ñwetstsäññeṣṣe
- ñwetstsäññeṣṣe “new, youthful (?)”
- ñwetstsäññe “youth (?)”
“novelty (?)”
- ñwemaṣṣe “new”
sg.m nom ñwemaṣṣe acc ñwemaṣṣe
- ñwenakke Name in administrative and monastic records
1 | Kizil WD-III-1 a2 | – /// a2 muṣṭiśke | ñwona | (–) a3 mossotti ñwona |
2 | Kizil WD-III-1 a3 | ñwona (–) a3 mossotti | ñwona | 2 /// (ñ)w(o)n(a) |
3 | Kizil WD-III-1 a3 | ñwona 2 /// | (ñ)w(o)n(a) | a4 mukusāne ñwona 1 |
4 | Kizil WD-III-1 a4 | /// (ñ)w(o)n(a) a4 mukusāne | ñwona | 1 /// śke |
5 | Kizil WD-III-1 a4 | 1 /// śke | ñwona | a5 suwaśke ñwo(na) |
6 | Kizil WD-III-1 a5 | śke ñwona a5 suwaśke | ñwo(na) | saṅkamitre ñwona 1 |
7 | Kizil WD-III-1 a5 | suwaśke ñwo(na) saṅkamitre | ñwona | 1 a6 sumacandre ñwon(a) |
8 | Kizil WD-III-1 a6 | ñwona 1 a6 sumacandre | ñwon(a) | s· – ciwe ñ(w)ona |
9 | Kizil WD-III-1 a6 | ñwon(a) s· – ciwe | ñ(w)ona | |
10 | THT 1860 a3 | kektsentsa yäṅk(au)n kästwer speltkesā | ñwona | neṣmye – /// a4 |
11 | THT 2711 a1 | tä cco ne | ñwona | a2 /// se |
12 | THT 2711 a3 | maṅkarāccana tä cco ne | ñ(w)o(na) | /// a4 /// a5 |
13 | THT 2711 a5 | a5 /// pokañ kaukaṃ | ñwona | tä cc(o) ne ñwon(a) |
14 | THT 2711 a5 | ñwona tä cc(o) ne | ñwon(a) | /// |