CEToM | A 394

Work in progress

A 394

Known as:A 394; THT 1028
Cite this page as:Gerd Carling; Adrian Musitz (translation). "A 394". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-a394&outputformat=print (accessed 17 Feb. 2025).


Editor:Gerd Carling; Adrian Musitz (translation)


Main find spot:Sengim
Expedition code:T II S 47.1
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Language:TA; TB

Text contents

Text genre:Literary
Meter:543 (4x)


Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:4


Images from titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de by courtesy of the Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS).


a1ra¯ ¯s̝ ta lke mā ññe ṣi – – [m]· yntwa¯ ¯cä me [dhu] – [p]aṃ s̝a ntā¯ ¯s wra sa śśi sñi tsa ryo e la¯ ¯nt – – śwā tsi ntu pa kṣā¯ ¯nt sa
a2ltā¯ ¯s wri nā¯ ¯s lwā ki sse la¯ ¯nt e ṣā to sa¯ ¯m pñi ntu pu¯ ¯k pu tti śpa rṇa¯ ¯cä yu ṣā lā ñci wa ṣtaṃ ymāṃ pā ca
a3ra lā¯ ¯nt [t]ā caṃ ma rka mpa lā [t]ā caṃ mā ma rka mpa lā wa tku wä tka smāṃ pa lkā¯ ¯t mro sklu ne kā tkaṃ wa s̝tala nta
a4ssi plā ksā¯ ¯t wa s̝tala nta ssi ta rko¯ ¯rka lpā¯ ¯t – m· – – : || pa rya ci ntā kaṃ || wa s̝tala nta ssi pra ti myā mu mo ka
lf20 8
b1tsaṃ • ṣo¯ ¯m koṃ wä ckoṃ pe śwā si mā tā¯ ¯p tri cäṃ koṃ • śta rcäṃ k· m· – ·pa ñc· k· «śkaṃ» • śwā tsi mā tā¯ ¯p nuna¯ ¯k ṣñā ñcä¯ ¯m ri sā¯ ¯t nä tswa
b2ssi : 1 || tma¯ ¯s̝ ma he ndra de ve pā ca¯ ¯r ·[eṃ] – ca mma śki tāṃ s̝a kkoṃ sā sne śwā si nāṃ tsu¯ ¯nt ka rso ra¯ ¯s̝
b3wa s̝tala nta ssi ta rko¯ ¯r yā mtsā tatmasa mma śki¯ ¯t wa s̝tala nta ssi ka lpo rā lyu tā rme ma¯ ¯s̝
b4kā tkmāṃ nāṃ tsu tso pa [ts]· – [ntlu] ne yo tso pa tsaṃ wso ko ne yo wa s̝tala¯ ¯cä hi ma va¯ ¯nt – li¯ ¯s po sa¯ ¯cä ā la ka


a1räṣ talke māññeṣi – – m·yntwac medhupaṃṣäntās wrasaśśi sñi tsaryo elant (eṣā) śwātsintu päkṣānt sa¬
a2ltās wrinās lwākiss elant eṣā tosäm pñintu puk puttiśparṇac yuṣā lāñci waṣtaṃ ymāṃ pāca¬
a3 lānt tācaṃ märkampalā tācaṃ märkampalā watku wätkäsmāṃ pälkāt mrosklune kātka-ṃ waṣtäṣ läntä¬
a4ssi plāksāt waṣtäṣ läntässi tärkor kälpāt – – : ॥ paryacintākaṃ
1awaṣtäṣ läntässi ; pratim yāmu ; mokab1tsäṃ
1bṣom koṃ wäc koṃ pe ; śwāsi tāp ; tricäṃ koṃ
1cśtärcäṃ k(oṃ) m(ā) (tāp) ; päñc(āṃ) k(oṃ) śkaṃ ; •
1dśwātsi tāp nuna-k ; ṣñ= āñcäm risāt ; nätswab2ssi : 1 ॥
*tmäṣ mahendradeve pācar ·eṃ ·– cam mäśkitāṃ ṣäk koṃsā sne śwāsi nāṃtsunt kärsoräṣ
b3waṣtäṣ läntässi tärkor yāmtsātäṃ tmäṣ säm mäśkit waṣtäṣ läntässi kälporā lyutār memaṣ
b4kātkmāṃ nāṃtsu tsopats(äṃ) (plā)ntluneyo tsopatsäṃ wsokoneyo waṣtäṣ läc himavant (ṣu)lis posac ālakäṃ


a1... he gave to the mendicants alms with his own hand. Food would be cooked.
a1+He would give to the flying and water (dwelling) animals.
a2All these virtuous deeds strived towards Buddhahood.
a2+Going from the royal palace, he saw his father, the king, giving commands sometimes according to the law, sometimes not according to the law.
a3Aversion arose in him.
a3+He asked his father for permission to leave home.
a4He did not get permission to leave home. In the Paryacintaka-tune:
a4+Having made the firm decision to leave home, he did not eat any food on the first and on the second day;
b1[also] on the third [and] on the fourth day (he did) not (eat), [and] on the fifth day he again did not eat any food.
b1+He gave himself up to starvation.
b2+Then his father, Mahendradeva, having found out that the prince has been without food for six days, gave him permission to leave home.
b3+Then the prince, exceedingly glad by his getting (permission) to leave home, left home with great joy, with great happiness.
b4Next to the Himālaya, some...


a1+... den bettelnden Wesen (gab er) mit eigener Hand {G}aben. Speisen wurden gekocht, [und] er gab den Vögeln [wtl. das hüpfende Tier] [und] Wassertieren Gaben. (Schmidt 1974: 226)
a2+Wenn er in den Palast [wtl. das königliche Haus] ging, sah er [seinen] Vater, den König, bald nach dem Gesetz, bald nicht nach dem Gesetz Befehl gebend. (Schmidt 1974: 189)
a3+Er bat um Erlaubnis, aus dem Hause zu gehen [d.h. Mönch zu werden], [aber] er erhielt nicht die Erlaubnis, aus dem Hause zu gehen. (Schmidt 1974: 197, 422)
a4+Da er den starken Entschluss, aus dem Hause zu gehen, gefasst hatte, aß er am ersten Tage [und] auch am zweiten Tage keine Speise. [Auch] am dritten Tage [und] am vierten Tage (aß er) nicht, [und] am fünften Tage aß er keine Speise. Vielmehr gab er sich selbst hin zu verhungern. (Schmidt 1974: 317-8)
b2+Als darauf [sein] Vater Mahendradeva ... den Prinzen als einen, der sechs Tage ohne Speise geblieben war, erkannt hatte, gab er ihm [von sich aus] die Erlaubnis, aus dem Hause zu gehen. (Schmidt 1974: 491)



Online access

IDP: THT 1028; TITUS: THT 1028


Schmidt 1974: a1 a2 (226), a2 a3 (189), a3 a4 (197, 422), a4 b1 b2 (317-8), b2 b3 (491)



“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d. http://idp.bl.uk.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.” http://titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/tocharic/thtframe.htm.

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