CEToM | Ching 2014b

Ching 2014b

Ching, Chao-jung. 2014b. “庫木吐喇地區諸遺址—以出土胡漢文書與早期探險隊資料為中心 – Ancient ruins around the Kumtura Village: Some observations on the unearthed manuscripts and the early expedition records.” In 西域考古·史地·语言研究新视野——黄文弼与中瑞西北科学考查团国际学术研讨会论文集 – New perspectives on archaeology, history, geography and language of the Western Regions. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Huang Wenbi and and the Sino-Swedish Northwest China Scientific Expedition, edited by Yuqi Zhu and Xinjiang Rong, 537–60. Series of Huang Wenbi Institute of Xinjiang Normal University. Beijing: Science Press.


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