CEToM | speltke


Cite this page as:"speltke". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?F_B_speltke&outputformat=print (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).
Meaning:“zeal, effort”
Word class:noun
Equivalent in TA:spaltäk
Lexeme variants:speltke; spelkke; spellake; spelke; sptelke
Case:nominative; accusative
Inflection class:
Nom. sg. (masc.):-e
Obl. sg. (masc.):-e
Nom. pl. (masc.):-i



Lexeme family



1IOL Toch 197 a2/// a2 /// 30-3 spelkke /// a3 /// n·
2THT 12 b1 ; – (s)p(el)kk(e) (maka) y(k)nesa : śwoye(ṃ)
3THT 305 a2a2 /// ke aiśaumye spelkke yāmi 10-5 yatkā śākaṭiko
4THT 581 a3a3 /// tākne spelkke yamaṣṣarea4 ///
5THT 1573.j a4/// a4 /// kä spelkke /// a5 /// –
6THT 1597.b a3kläskālñe a3 /// (ka)lymisa spelkke a4 /// ·e po


1IOL Toch 263 a2/// – sāw ritāte speltke – /// a3 ///
2IOL Toch 285 a5…śt kucek wärñai peṅsar speltke /// a6 …r-ne :
3IOL Toch 764 b3/// …t oko cwiṃ speltke /// b4 /// r·o
4Kz-213-ZS-L06 a1kka wärkṣäl kca kleśanmats speltke nautsi ayato : mā(la)tsana
5Kz-225-YD-W-07 a1 a1 puñisome tane speltke yamaṣa
6PK AS 7H a4palskossu śaumo : yāmi speltke po āñmtsa ; āñme
7PK AS 13K.4 b2b2 /// …s·ś skeye spel(tk)e /// b3 /// ñai
8PK NS 78.1 b3/// b3 rerīnoṣ dhyananma spe(ltke) /// b4
9SI B 113 b6b6 /// (snai) (spe)ltk(e) awlā(wa)ttäññe /// b7
10THT 132 a4a4 ·e weṣṣälle wrocce spe(ltke) /// (waipe)a5cc(e)nta kälpäṣṣäṃ (•)
11THT 333 a4ceu kalälne ykuweṣ kautsiśco speltke yamaṣäṃ su no cwi
12THT 342 b6/// nts· pelaikne wrotse speltke /// b7 /// wän·e


1G-Su 16 a1 a1 {ñ→j}ñānasene ṣṣamāne spellake ///


1G-Su 10 a1mokasene dharmatrāte tene kameṃ sptelke yamaṣṣare


1G-Su 2 a1mokṣaguptedharmakāme tane spelke yamaṣṣare abhidhārm tuntse te
2G-Su 15 a1a1 dharmakāmiśke tane śem spelke yamaṣṣa ॥ tu… ///
3G-Su 31 a1 a1 /// spelke yamaṣṣa tuntse te ṣotri
4G-Su 38 a1 a1 kercawiśke spelke yamaṣa
5IOL Toch 308 b2/// (pa)kwāre sesīnu ainake spelke • eb3(kāhaṃ) /// …·entse
6IOL Toch 629 a4ṣāṃ (r)ū… a4 /// (spe)lke pyāmtso b1 /// yolo
7Kz-039-ZS-R-01 a1 a1 spelke yamaṣi taka campya paka(na)
8Kz-211-ZS-R-06 a4– – – pyā ·o – spelke ye – – w(·)· –
9Kz-220-ZS-Z-14 a1 a1 /// spelke yamaṣä(ṃ)
10PK AS 5C a2; śastarmaś ; yamim spelke : pelaiknene ; stmau
11PK AS 7E b1: m(ā) – – – – ; (spe)lk(e) yamaskeṃ ; āyor aitsi
12PK NS 25 and 26 a5; (śastarmaś) ; (yamim) (spe)b1lk(e) (pelaik)nen(e) ; stmau prākre
13Sb-001-YD-W-06 a1rme – sa mrauskāt(e) spelke ·ā ·au ·au ·e
14Sb-001-YD-Z-11 a1a1 /// y(·)· n· sp(e)lke yamaṣ(a) ///
15SHT 2250 and 2254.a b1/// b1 spelke unread prerentsa b2
16THT 3 a6wnolmi – ·e snai spelke ; mrauskalñ= ersenträ
17THT 13 a3/// a3 /// (spelke) yāmi ce ṣeme ślok
18THT 15 a7wnolme ; tall(āntä) : spelke soa8(mpa)strä ; kre(ntaṃts) (sū)
19THT 17 b1wnolme ; tallāntä : spelke sompastär ; krentats
20THT 28 a1n(e)mc(e)k ś(au)l āstreṃ : spelke mai tarkacer ; kulātsi
21THT 28 a3 (:) /// yāmṣälle ; spelke po āñmtsa : mā=
22THT 29 a8a8 /// (po) (spe)l;(k)e pyāmtso ; warkṣältsa ;
23THT 31 b3b3 ṣek ; tārkaṃ spelke ; ṣamāññ= attsaik päst
24THT 32 a5yaṃ lkātsi ṣek;-ṣek tārkaṃ spelke ṣamā a6 /// (pa)kträ
25THT 42 b2kuse wat ompalskoññe ; spelke aiśamñe : po cwi
26THT 169 a4snai ṣa(ṃ)ṣälkuse spelke a5 /// mutpāt te
27THT 262 a4/// a4 /// pyāmtso spelke ko /// b2 ///
28THT 575 b6ne /// /// skeye spelke yamalle ṣaitusāksa
29THT 1415.c a2käntenma • vyāyata • spelke s·o /// a3 ///
30THT 1537.e a1a1 /// k p·lsk·sa spelke e /// a2 ///
31THT 1574 a3– /// a3 (ka)rtse spelke mäsketär-me ñake ciśiś päkwalñesa
32THT 1574 b2omteṃ tañ maiyyane saṅkantse spelke kuśalapākṣ ayāto tākaṃ yāmtsi
33THT 2959 a4ekñe /// a4 yoṣ spelke ywārc eroṣ ś·e r·e

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