Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 7N; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 7N; K 11
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator). "PK AS 7N". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-pkas7n&outputformat=print (accessed 08 Sep. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2012-02


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Specific find spot:DA, cour
Expedition code:DA cour FM 6a1
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:late
Add. linguistic characteristics:archaic

Text contents

Title of the work:Karmavibhaṅga
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine
Verse/Prose:prose; verse


Manuscript:Karmavibhaṅga γ
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):10 × 28.8 cm
Number of lines:7
Interline spacing:1.5 cm


Images from gallica.bnf.fr by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1śa¯ ¯k pa rk[ā] wa nta tu¯ ¯ñ a (– –) tu (–) – ta (– –) – (– –) [n](·) : me le(·) ṣṣe i ndri cpi mā kau ṣtra : ke ktse ñmeṃ [c](·)i
a2ka rttse we re yaṃ ke ktse ñmeṃ cpi yo lo mā wa rs̝a(·) ne ka lymi ka lymi s̝a pcpi pa pā ṣṣo rñe ṣe we re ka r[t]tsya(·)
a3ca ñca ro na la ro na wä nta rwa mpa e ṣe ka nma stra : yña kteṃ ta nma stra ra me rs̝pa ke ṣtra : śa¯ ¯k pa
a4rka wä nta pya pyai ai lyñe ○ ntse tu kya kne sa rka s̝s̝a lle : yā mo rkre wä rpa lye meṃ ra me rke ṣtra
a5|| ni ṣkra ma tne || ta ka ra no a nai wa tse sru ka lñe ṣṣe i me o no lme¯ ¯ns ke śno ta ta rmeṃ o lypo tse la re ñi
a6sru ka lyñe ṣṣī me yo lo a ñma ntse ke ktse [ñ](·)e ki pa lsko sa ya mtsi pa knā ntra sru ka lyñe ṣṣī me ko sra
a7(–) (·)o [l](·)[a](·) [s](·) ñi (–) sa la re sta (–) [kuc]e kca o «no» lmi (– – – –) lo sa ya ma skeṃ yo lo (–) wa ṣmo ma ne [s](·) (·)i (–)
b1(–) [lyñ]e(·) ṣ(·) m(·) ceṃ [pa] lsko yai ro [ṣy]a [ma](·) y(·) lo (– – – – –) (·)ke ntra ta rya cme l(·) n(·) c(·) ra no wä ntre s(·) (– – – –)
b2(–) ñi sru ka lyñe ṣṣī me 2 bo dhi sa tve ntse ka kr[au] (–) wa snai ke śa yā mo rnta kre nta ko sau¯ ¯k sru ka lyñe ṣṣī me ma ta
b3ś· ne to tma mrau ska te te ksa ne ka no mrau skā te o lypo ste sū tā ka pu dñä kte ce ra no wä ntre sa la re ma ske
b4(–) ñi sru ka lyñe ṣṣī me 3 ○ (– –) [o] no lmi saṃ sā rne wä rpa na ntra ma kā ykne skwa nma sru ka lyñe ṣṣī me
b5toṃ skwa n[m]a ntsa wro tse ṣa¯ ¯rm : tu sa lā re sta rñi te te ka sru ka lñe ṣṣī me o no lme¯ ¯nts ne sa le ma ṣai ṣe me
b6ykne lka lyi la kl[e] nta ṅke ṣe mwe sa tu sa lā re sta¯ ¯rñ 4 sru ka lñe ṣṣī me wa ṣa mo nau ṣtā kaṃ wā wä ṣṣe ñca
b7se sa l[e] ya ma stra ke [k](·) (·)e ñre ki [pa] lsko(·) (·)[e] (– – – – –) wā ya tsi ś[m]a nne ka tke ma ne yaṃ cau mpa kau ///


a1śak pärkāwanta tuñ a(yormeṃ) tu(ñe)ta(tākau)(cmela)n(e) : mele(ṃ)ṣṣe indri cpi kauṣträ : kektseñmeṃ c(p)i
a2karttse were yaṃ kektseñmeṃ cpi yolo warṣä(ṃ)-ne kälymi-kälymi ṣäp cpi papāṣṣorñeṣe were kartts{e} ya(ṃ)
a3cañcarona larona wäntarwampa eṣe känmasträ : yñakteṃ tänmästrä ramer ṣpä keṣträ : śak pä-
a4-rkawänta pyapyai ailyñentse tuk-yakne sarkäṣṣälle : yāmor kre wärpalyemeṃ rämer keṣträ
1ataka rano ; anaiwatse srukalñeṣṣe ; ime onolmens
1bkeś no tätarmeṃ ; olypotse lare ñi ; a6 srukalyñeṣṣ= īme
1cyolo añmantse ; kektseñ (r)eki palskosa ; yamtsi päknānträ
1dsrukalyñeṣṣ= īme ; kos ra a7n2 (añmts=) ol(y)a(r)s(e) ñi ; (tu)sa lare sta(r-ñ)
2akuce kca onolmi ; (katkemane) (yo)losa ; yamaskeṃ yolo (:)
2bwaṣmo ma nes(n) ; (ñ)i (sru)b1(ka)lyñe(ṣ)ṣ=n3 (ī)m(e) ; ceṃ{ts} palsko yairoṣ
2cyama(ṃ) y(o)lo (cai) ; (ette) (tänmas)kenträ ; tärya cmel(a)n(e)
2dc(e) rano wäntres(a) ; (lare) (mäske)b2(trä)n4 ñi ; srukalyñeṣṣ= īme 2
3abodhisatventse ; kakrau(pau)wa snai keśä ; yāmornta krenta
3bkosau-k srukalyñeṣṣ= ; īme ma tab3ś(i-)ne ; tot ma mrauskate
3cteksa-ne ka no ; mrauskāte olyposte ; tāka pudñäkte
3dce rano wäntresa ; lare mäskeb4(trä) ñi ; srukalyñeṣṣ= īme 3
4a(kuce) (kca) onolmi ; saṃsārne wärpananträ ; makā-ykne skwanma
4bsrukalyñeṣṣ= īme ; b5n5 toṃ skwanmantsa wrotse ṣarm : ; tusa lāre star-ñi
4cteteka srukalñeṣṣ= ; īme onolments ; nesale ma ṣai
4dṣemeb6yknen6 lkalyi ; läklenta ṅke ṣem wesä ; tusa lāre star-ñ 4
5asrukalñeṣṣ= īme ; waṣamo nauṣ tākaṃ ; wā{r}wäṣṣeñca b7n7 se
5bsale yamasträ ; kek(ts)eñ reki palsko(ṣṣ)e ; (āstreṃ) (warṣälñe)
5cwāyatsi śman-ne ; katkemane yaṃ caumpa ; kau(nne) (postaṃñe)


a1(There are) ten advantages (from) the gi(ving) of perfume. ... One will be(come) a per(fume) in (the rebirths). His sense of smell [lit. pertaining to the nostrils] is not destroyed.
a1+From his body comes a good smell,
a2from his body he does not smell bad. And in every direction goes the good smell of his virtuous observance.
a3He comes together with charming [and] dear objects. He is reborn among the gods and he becomes extinct [i.e. enters extinction = nirvāṇa] soon.
a3+One should take care about the ten advantages of the giving of flower[s] precisely in that manner.
a4+Out of the enjoying of the good deed one become extinct soon.
a5In (the tune) Niṣkramānta. Even though the idea of death [is] certainly repulsive for the beings, [1a] after having thought about it, the idea of death [is] very dear to me. [1b]
a6[If] they intend to do evil to themselves with respect to body, word, [and] mind, [1c] as long as the idea of death [is] sup(erior to the self), therefore [it] is dear to me. [1d]
a7Whichever evil the beings do while rejoicing about evil, [2a] [while thinking:] “The idea of death is not my friend”, they have exercised their mind. [2b]
b1[If] (these ones) do evil, they are reborn in the three (inferior) existences. [2c]
b1+Because of this fact also the idea of death (is dear) to me.
b2[2d] By the bodhisattva good deeds without number have been accumulated, [3a]
b2+as long as the idea of death would not touch him, so long did he not feel repulsion [for the world]. [3b]
b3But as soon as it touched him, this one strongly felt repulsion [for the world], [and] he became a Buddha. [3c]
b3+Because of this fact also the idea of death is dear to me.
b4[3d] Whatever the beings enjoy in the saṃsāra as happiness of many kinds, [4a] the idea of death [is] the great cause of these [forms of] happiness;
b5therefore [it] is dear to me [4b]. [If] suddenly the beings would not have the idea of death, [4c] then we would see the sufferings in the same way;
b6therefore [it] is dear to me. [4d]
b6+[If] the idea of death is a friend [who is someone] urging at first, [5a] he provides a basis for a (pure exercise?) of body, word, [and] mind. [5b]
b7[If] it [i.e. the idea of death as a friend] comes to lead him, it goes with him rejoicing (for the ultimate day). [5c]


a1Sein Geruchssinn wird nicht gestört. (Schmidt 1974: 210)
a2Aus seinem Körper riecht es ihm nicht schlecht; und Gegend für Gegend geht der gute Geruch seiner Tugendhaftigkeit. (Schmidt 1974: 185-6)
a3Er wird unter den Göttern [wieder]geboren und erlischt schnell. (Schmidt 1974: 125)
a3Mit (erwünschten) [und] lieben Dingen kommt er zusammen [d.h. bringt er sich zusammen]. (Schmidt 1974: 319, fn. 2, 473)
a3+The ten profits of donating flowers can be achieved (?) in this way. (Peyrot 2013b: 541)
a6+If they intend to do evil to themselves with body, word or mind, as long as the idea of death does not keep me away—because of that it is dear to me. (cf 50) (Peyrot 2013b: 699)
b2+Solange eben das Gedenken an den Tod ihn nicht berührte, so lange hat er nicht [Welt]überdruss empfunden. Kaum aber hatte es [scil. das Gedenken an den Tod] ihn berührt, [da] wandte er sich heftig ab [und] wurde [zum] Buddha. (Schmidt 1974: 76)
b2+Von dem Bodhisattva [sind] zahllose gute Taten gehäuft [worden]; solange ihn [aber] das Gedenken an den Tod nicht berührte, so lange hat er nicht [Welt]überdruss empfunden. Kaum aber hatte es ihn berührt, wandte er sich heftig ab [und] wurde zum Buddha. (Schmidt 1974: 162-3)
b4+Was auch immer die Wesen im Saṃsāra vielfach an Glücksgütern genießen, das Gedenken an den Tod ist für diese Glücksgüter die große Ursache. (Schmidt 1974: 199-200)


Linguistic commentary

In general, this leaf shows archaic spellings beside late forms and also many simple misspellings. It seems that a scribe who himself spoke a very advanced variant of TB (or even TA?) copied from an archaic manuscript (or even from several different ones) in order to restore the damaged leaf).
Archaic spellings: rämer (a4 beside ramer in a3), tärya (b1 for tarya), metrically preserved final in colon-final position (keśä in b2 and wesä in b6) beside colon-internal skwanmantsä (b5).
Late forms: karttse (a2 bis), wärpalye (a4 for wärpalñe), tn for ntn in niṣkrama‹n›tne (a5); gen.pl onolmens (a5 for onolments), ṣem (b6 for ṣeyem, cf. 3.pl. ṣeṃ for ṣeyeṃ in other late texts).
Sometimes it is difficult to decide, e.g., pyapyai (a4) may be a mistake for either obl.sg. pyāpyai or obl.pl. pyapyai(ṃ); quite often we have short a for ā: tätarmeṃ (a6 for tättārmeṃ); yamtsi (a6 for yāmtsi), waṣmo (a7 for wāṣmo); ma (a7, b2, b3 for ); lare (a5, a7, b3 beside the classical form lāre b5, b6); mrauskate (b3 for mrauskāte); lkalyi (b5 for lkālyi); sale (b7 for sāle); ceṃ (b1 for ceṃts) may show cluster simplification.

Parallel texts

PK AS 7K; PK AS 7L; Mahākarmavibhaṅga §§ 76, 74 (Lévi 1932: 103, 100, 149-150) (a1-a5)

Philological commentary

The beginning until a5 is in prose. Then we have a meter of 4 x 17 (5/7/5 or 6/6/5). The text from there onwards is parallel to PK AS 7K followed by PK AS 7L. There is no punctuation in the metrical part except in line b5 pāda 4d a double dot at the end of a second colon.
The first two colons of pāda 2b are wrong. From a syntactic point of view, ñi belongs to the finite verb, while the classical form would even be nesaṃ-ñ. Such a form would indeed make a correct first colon. Then one has to assume that in the original second colon a word with two syllables was left out by the scribe, who, in contrast, reinforced nesaṃ-ñ, maybe in the form nesañ, as a clearer nesan plus independent pronoun ñi. This was most likely even an easier interpretation to make since this redone manuscript is certainly late, and in this stage final was even depalatalized. Having done that, he had to leave out this other two-syllable word because the colon was then too long. Probably this word had been the quotative adverb te-mant = Skt. iti.
n1Note that the parallel PK AS 7K often has a slightly different wording and cola divsion. The colon division here is wrong. The first has four syllables, the second eight. In the second, however, seven syllables may be recovered by reading srukalñeṣṣe ime with sandhi (as is attested otherwise here) as srukalñeṣṣ= ime, even though this would mean sandhi over a colon boundary. That means that one would have to add a monosyllable word in the first colon, maybe a particle. In pāda 1b the second colon lacks one syllable, which can be recovered by reading the prose form olyapotse instead of olypotse.
n2The middle part of pāda 1d is badly damaged; in any case the 1.sg. pronoun ñi is recognizable, as well as a form related to the adverb olya ‘more’. An adjective olyartse is recorded in the Manichean bilingual text with the same meaning as olyapotse (cf. Pinault 2008a: 103, 114). Hence it seems possible to restore this adjective here in a late variant. The restoration of the complement ‘self’ in the perlative makes sense with regard to the preceding sentence.
n3The last colon of pāda 2b ends with ceṃ palsko yairoṣ. The parallel text PK AS 7K b4 gives us the genitive plural of the demonstrative and a singular PPt (yai)ru. However, one may keep the plural here assuming constructio ad sensum. There is no need to assume, pace Sieg 1938: 51, that the following verb yamaṃ should be included in this same colon. It does neither improve the meter nor the sense – even less so since, as a consequence, a further misspelling ceṃ for cai would have to be assumed.
n4A correct meter of 6/6/5 can be recovered by resolving the sandhi form srukalyñeṣṣ= ; īme into srukalyñeṣṣe ; īme.
n5The last colon of pāda 4b has one syllable too many, which can be repaired by reading the usual form star-ñ at the end. This is confirmed by the parallel PK AS 7L a1. The missing syllable in the second colon of pāda 4c can be recovered by reading onolmentsä at the end.
n6The second colon of 5c is one syllable too short. One can recover the meter with the rhythm 6/6/5 by reading srukalñeṣṣe īme in the first colon. Sieg’s correction (Sieg 1938: 52) of nauṣ into nauṣäk in the second colon is unnecessary.
n7The parallel manuscript PK AS 7L a2 reads wārwäṣṣeñca ṣek “who always urges”, which makes more sense. The form palskoṣṣe is incorrect; however, note that the parallel manuscript shows the spelling pälskoṣṣe written with ‹pa› and double dots instead of fremdzeichen; hence, some original manuscript from which both were ultimately copied had a mistake here.


This leaf was restored already in antiquity. One can distinguish three parts with two different hands and different layers of paper. It seems that the central part to the right of the string hole is a remnant of an older leaf that had been torn at the left and at the right. Afterwards these left and right parts were glued to the central piece and the second scribe tried to restore all lines, most likely after the model of a complete leaf. However, he made several mistakes in reproducing the original disposition. The script type of this later addition is of the late type, while the middle piece is classical. Note that the leaf does not have the classical size and disposition of the poṭhī manuscripts, but is much smaller with only one string hole.

Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications

Peyrot 2008A1
Tamai 2011C14



Lévi 1933: 96-97, 106; Sieg 1938: 49-53


Meunier 2013: a5 (146), a6 (179); Peyrot 2013b: a2 (821), a3 a4 (541), a6 a7 (699), b6 b7 (678); Schmidt 1974: a1 (210), a2 (185-6), a3 (125), a3 (319, fn. 2, 473), b2 b3 (76), b2 b3 (162-3), b4 b5 (199-200)


Lévi 1932

Lévi, Sylvain. 1932. Mahākarmavibhaṅga (La grande classification des actes) et Karmavibhaṅgopadeśa (Discussion sur le Mahā Karmavibhaṅga). Paris: Leroux.

Lévi 1933

Lévi, Sylvain. 1933. Fragments de textes koutchéens. Udānavarga, Udānastotra, Udānālaṁkāra et Karmavibhaṅga, publiés et traduits avec un vocabulaire et une introduction sur le «tokharien». Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.

Meunier 2013

Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.

Peyrot 2008

Peyrot, Michaël. 2008. Variation and change in Tocharian B. Vol. 15. Leiden Studies in Indo-European. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Pinault 2008a

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 2008a. “Bilingual hymn to Mani: Analysis of the Tocharian B parts.” Studies on the Inner Asian Languages XXIII. Papers in Honour of Professor Takao Moriyasu on His 60th Birthday, 93–120. http://hdl.handle.net/11094/16397.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Sieg 1938

Sieg, Emil. 1938. “Die Kutschischen Karmavibhaṅga-Texte der Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 65: 1–54.

Tamai 2011

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2011. Paläographische Untersuchungen zum B-Tocharischen. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 138. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen.

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